Jerry Hafner -Frontside Grab Transfer - Brea, Ca
I've been shooting photos for a long time now (i think 10 plus years?) and am finally getting to scaning them. Some of these are very old and some very recent. So far ive only scanned skate photos but dont worry i have a bunch of non-skate photos to post. enjoy this first post of scans! (for the record, the photo above of big jer is probably my favorite i've taken. Thanks Jerry for always putting up with my camera in your face!)

Ed "Lofty" Loftus - Ollie - Orcas Island, Wa

Jeff Grosso - Egg Plant - Aumsville, Or

Maurice - Pivot Fakie - Orcas Island, Wa

Sergi Arenas - Frontside Grind - Beach side Barcelona, Spain

Corbett "Larry" Miller - Carve - Klamath Falls, Or

Jim Gagne - Pivot Fakie - Widowmaker HB, CA

Rod "Bobby" Rollin - Frontside 5-0 - Orcas Island, Wa

Jon"Olson von" Schaub - Smith - Orcas Island, Wa

Jeff "Francisco" Bugbee - Crooked Grind- SF, Ca

Ignacio - One Footer- LBC, Ca

Big Jer- Tail Grab nose grind- Chickens, Ca

Kyle Yanagamoto- Pivot Fakie -Redwood City, Ca
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